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  • Heresy Thursday – The Might of Mars Comes to Legions Imperialis

Heresy Thursday – The Might of Mars Comes to Legions Imperialis

As the galaxy burned in the fires of the Horus Heresy, the forge worlds were drawn in the wars fought by the Legiones Astartes and Solar Auxilia. Soon, entire phalanxes of battle automata marched from their enclaves and threw themselves into the conflict, and these mighty machines now join the battlefields of Legions Imperialis with the Mechanicum Battle Group.

This hefty launch box of 146 individual miniatures builds a sizable Taghmata with the perfect balance of disposable Tech-thralls, durable Thallax cohorts, armoured vehicles, and destructive automata. It’s the Mechanicum’s debut in the massive epic-scale game of Legions Imperialis, and accordingly, there’s no better way to start a new army – whether it’s the loyalist Mechanicum, or the fiendish Dark Mechanicum.

There are 10 Adsecularis Tech-thralls, Eight Thallax, and four Ursarax cohorts, commanded by a pair of Archmagi on Abeyants and flanked by four Myrmidon Destructor hosts, two Myrmidon Secutors, and two Tech-priest Auxilia units. Like much of the Taghmata, they are remarkably durable for their size and unleash blistering fusillades of las and lightning fire that pose a threat even to the Legiones Astartes.

You get a wide variety of battle automata in this launch set. The four Castellax Battle-automata maniples and eight Thanatar Siege-automata will be familiar to those who’ve seen their new plastic miniatures for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, and these epic-scale incarnations pack remarkable detail into their miniaturised forms – almost as much as the full-size kits!

Their heavy firepower is backed up by a pair of Domitar Battle-automata, while two Vorax Battle-automata Maniples add a touch of speed to their otherwise slow but purposeful forces. Two rare and powerful Arlatax Battle-automata also get their first ever official miniatures, arriving from the distant forge world of Xana II just in time for the test-run of the millennium.

Finally, two Vultarax Stratos-automata add vital air support to an otherwise ground pounding Battle Group, while four heavily armoured Triaros Conveyors ensure your maniples will reach the front lines in safety. These units can all also be fielded as an Allied Detachment in Legiones Astartes and Solar Auxilia armies, so you’ve got plenty of ways to deploy your Taghmata.

Rules will be found in an upcoming publication for Legions Imperialis, which we’ll be revealing as we get closer to their pre-order date. Come back next week as we cut back to Warhammer: The Horus Heresy for our next Heresy Thursday reveal!