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Sunday Preview – Machines Wage Civil War on Mars and Chaos Hordes Descend From the North

Next week is the Warhammer Preview Show: NOVA Open 2024, which will have reveals and roadmaps for some of your favourite games. But before that, we’ve got a Sunday Preview packed with releases – the Martian Civil War begins in the Horus Heresy with a new campaign book and standalone plastic miniatures, while the Warriors of Chaos are poised to bring ruin to the Old World with a horde of releases. 


Campaigns of The Age of Darkness: The Martian Civil War

Great swathes of Mars seceded from Imperial rule during the Horus Heresy, and the tireless deluge of machines and weapons pouring from its factories posed a mounting threat to the throneworld as the Warmaster drew ever closer. Loyalist forces attempted to wrest control of the planet on numerous occasions, even as the Tech-priests squabbled among themselves, and these events provide the backdrop for the next supplement for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, Campaigns of The Age of Darkness: The Martian Civil War.

This 168-page hardback features a selection of background information spanning the length of this unique conflict, and rules for bringing it to life on your tabletop. There are new core missions, apex missions, relic hunt missions, an Onslaught campaign to use them in, plus additional units and Techno-heresy rules to determine the fate of the Red Planet yourself, alongside additional content from previously published Exemplary Battles in the Age of Darkness. This will be available to pre-order next week in hardback and ePub formats.

Archmagos Prime

An Archmagos Prime is both a commander of the Taghmata Omnissiah and a high ranking adept of the Machine Cult, their bodies transformed through countless cybernetic enhancements leaving them more machine than human. With inhuman intelligence and access to a wide range of Techno-arcana, they lead the Mechanicum in battle to further the Machine Cult’s murky agenda.

Thallax Cohort

The Thallax Cohort is the versatile core of most Mechanicum forces. These cyborgs retain some modicum of independent thought making them ideal shock troops. Armoured frames and incunabulan jetpacks allow them to hit hard and fast, while weathering return fire. 

This box builds six Thallax armed with lightning guns, and contains options to construct two with phased plasma-fusils, photon thrusters, or multi-meltas. You also get enough melta bombs for each miniature, a variety of head designs, and a Mechanicum Constructs transfer sheet comprising 558 decals.

Castellax Battle-automata Maniple 

Standing at three times the height of a human, clad in heavy armour, and equipped with durable atomantic shields, the Castellax Battle-automata are terrifying machines of war. 

This maniple box contains two Castellax, which can be built with brutal shock chargers or savage power blade arrays, and which have a choice of in-built bolters or flamers. Their sturdy frames allow them to carry shoulder-mounted mauler bolt cannons into battle, and the box also contains one darkfire cannon and one multi-melta for more specialised loadouts. You also get a Mechanicum Constructs transfer sheet comprising 558 decals.

Thanatar Cavas Siege-automata

Thanatar Cavas Siege-automata are among the largest automata deployed by the Mechanicum, designed to operate as mobile artillery platforms. Their hulking forms can easily withstand incoming fire, and they sport the Hellex pattern plasma mortar – a massive weapon which lobs spheres of superheated energy at enemy lines with devastating results. 

Each Thanatar is equipped with shock chargers, and a twin-linked mauler bolt cannon. Also included is a Mechanicum Macro-constructs transfer sheet comprising 394 transfers.

Tech-thralls Covenant

The Tech-priests of the Mechanicum require a vast pool of expendable labour to undertake their grand industrial operations, and they have perfected the process of mutilating and overriding consciousness to create loyal Tech-thralls. When battle approaches, covenants of Adsecularis Tech-thralls are dispatched to act as cheap cannon fodder, marching forward while unleashing a withering barrage of las-lock fire, even as they are cut down by enemy weapons.

This box contains 20 Adsecularis Tech-thralls ready to unquestionably follow the lead of the Tech-magi.

Triaros Armoured Conveyor

Appearing unlike anything seen in the wider Imperium, the Triaros Armoured Conveyor is a design that relies on a number of unique technologies that are held as arcana by the magos autokrator. Thick armour, layered techno-cant wardings, and an array of energy shields allow this transport to operate in extremely hostile environments, and help to protect its cargo of Tech-thralls from incoming enemy fire as they are carried to the frontlines.

This large dedicated transport has a transport capacity of 22 and is armed with two volkite calivers, a twin-linked mauler bolt cannon, and has options for two hunter-killer missiles. You’ll also get a Mechanicum Macro-constructs transfer sheet containing 394 transfers.

Mechanicum Dice Set

Complement your Mechanicum army with a set of dice coloured in pearlescent red with white pips which feature the Mechnicum logo on the six face. This set contains 19 standard D6 dice and one scatter dice for use in games of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy.*

Arcane Journal: Warriors of Chaos

From the frozen wastes in the north come the Warriors of Chaos, sacking and pillaging the lands of the Empire and claiming glory for the Ruinous Powers. This 48-page supplement provides rules for you to expand your army beyond the list found in the Ravening Hordes book, with new rules, background lore, and scenarios. 

Two armies of infamy – Wolves of the Sea and Heralds of Darkness – make their way south alongside characters like Frydaal the Chainmaker and Galrauch, the Great Drake. Extra units give prospective warlords plenty of new options when amassing their hordes, while new magic items allow you to festoon your heroes with powerful gifts. It will be available as a softcover book and an ePub.

Warriors of Chaos Battalion

Kickstart your host of brutes clad in blackened iron armour with the Warriors of Chaos Battalion, which contains 44 miniatures ready to pillage in the name of the Dark Gods. An immovable core of 32 Chaos Warriors are supported by 10 Chaos Knights, unstoppable shock cavalry that can run down all but the mightiest of foes, and two line-breaking Chaos Chariots which can also be built as Gorebeast Chariots. This box also contains a new Warriors of Chaos transfer sheet which comprises 621 transfers.

Warriors of Chaos Reference Card Pack and Dice Set

Add to your collection with a set of reference cards and thematic dice. The pack of 36 cards lets you quickly reference all of your magic equipment, enchanted and arcane items, as well as your spell lores and gifts of Chaos, alongside useful rules. The set of 20 dice is cast in black with gold pips and features the eight-pointed star of Chaos on the six face – perfect for invoking favour from the Ruinous Powers on those important rolls.

Chaos Warriors

The bulk of a Warriors of Chaos army is made up of indefatigable warriors clad in blackened armour. The Chaos Warriors box contains 32 plastic warriors with enough pieces to make two units of 16 with full command squads, and a new Warriors of Chaos transfer sheet featuring 621 transfers.

Chaos Warriors Upgrades

Hand weapons and shields are the iconic loadout for Chaos Warriors, but tougher foes will require heavier weapons. Upgrade your plastic warriors with a set of 10 metal great weapons, or a set of 10 metal halberds.

Chaos Chosen and Command 

Chaos Warriors touched by the blessings of the Dark Gods are known as Chosen, terrifying combatants who cut their enemies down with supernatural strength provided by their malefic benefactors. These unstoppable juggernauts are available in sets of five metal miniatures, alongside a separate set of five metal miniatures to represent a command contingent.

Classic Warriors of Chaos Characters

Lead your hordes to lay waste to the southern territories with these heroes granted the boons of Chaos. In plastic you can choose from a Champion of Chaos, a Sorcerer of Chaos, or the imposing Chaos Lord on Manticore, while returning in metal are the venerable Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount, a Sorcerer of Chaos on Chaos Steed, and an alternate Champion of Chaos.

Classic Warriors of Chaos Monsters and War Machines

The Warriors of Chaos have a wide menagerie of terrifying monsters. Add Dragon Ogres or a a monstrous Chimera to your army in plastic, or recruit fearsome Skin Wolves, a Dragon Ogre Shaggoth, or a Gigantic Spawn of Chaos in Forge World resin. In metal, there are brutish Chaos Trolls, Chaos Ogres, and the Chaos Ogres Command Group.

Some problems can’t be solved by flesh alone, which is where the Hellcannon comes in – an artillery piece gripped by daemonic sentience, and crewed by Chaos Dwarfs. This devastating war machine will be available in Forge World resin. 

Dwarfen Mountain Holds Made to Order

Fresh ancestors are returning for the Dwarfen Mountain Holds on a Made to Order basis – and all in metal. First up is a pack of five Dwarf Lords – three resting hands on axes in pensive poses, with two ready for war. 

A Dwarf King on Oathstone joins a Thane with Great Weapon and a Thane with Battle Standard in one group. Then there are three Dwarf Runesmiths from ages past, alongside a set of Slayers of Legend ready to seek their doom in battle. Finally, add some history to your collection with the Dwarf Queen (originally known as Queen Helgar from the Grudge of Drong expansion!). 

These are available to order from 10am local time on Saturday the 31st of August until 8am BST on Monday the 9th of September – and as Made to Products they may take up to 180 days to ship.

The End and the Death: Volume I

After war across countless planets, and untold numbers of deaths, the Warmaster has arrived and the final hour is nigh. The End and the Death: Volume I is Dan Abnett’s capstone to the Siege of Terra and Horus Heresy series, the first part of a trilogy that brings the Emperor into confrontation with his prodigal son. You’ll be able to pre-order this landmark novel in paperback next week.

Collection XIII (French Edition)

French readers can dig further into the Horus Heresy with Collection XIII which bands together three books in paperback and eBook formats. The collection opens with the anthology The Silent War which covers the shadowy conflict running in parallel between, alongside Angels of Caliban by Gav Thorpe, and Praetorian of Dorn by John French.

Omnibus XV (German Edition)

German fans of the Horus Heresy can get books 43, 44, and 45 in one handy tome with Omnibus XV, which contains the Shattered Legions anthology – a collection of stories that follow the scattered remnants of the Drop Site Massacre – alongside The Crimson King by Graham McNeill and Tallarn by John French. It will be available to pre-order in paperback and eBook formats next week.

The Imperial Palace Undone Map

Adorn your hobby room with an artist’s recreation of the Imperial Palace during the Siege of Terra with an A2 map showing the palace undone. Printed on cotton, and wrapped in a faux leather map-wrap which is secured with a faux leather cord fitted with a leather pendant, it’s designed to look and feel like an artefact from the Horus Heresy. It also comes in a box featuring gold foil details. 

There are two shows this week. In Citadel Colour Masterclass Ed will be teaching us how to paint the magical flaming wings found on Stormcast Eternals Prosecutors with a blue tone, a technique you can use on any flames – ethereal or not.**

Loremasters is giving us the lowdown on the Tempestus Scions. As the Imperium’s most elite soldiers outside of power armour, these ferocious troops have graduated from the Schola Progenium and undergone a lifetime of training and indoctrination to turn them into relentless weapons of war.

On Warhammer Community we’ll be continuing our coverage of Kill Team with articles on the Tempestus Aquilons, and getting ready to share a selection of stunning reveals with you at the Warhammer Preview Show: NOVA Open 2024.

* This product has been delayed in the USA and Canada.

** This was originally advertised as a release for the 21st of August.