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Behold the Iconoclast Titan Weapons That Can Fell a Lesser God-Engine in One Swing

That low rumble that’s been building for a while is beginning to reach foundation-shaking levels as maniples of Warmaster Iconoclast Heavy Battle Titans lurch their way into combat.

ATIconoclast Nov03 Titan

We love Titan melee here at Warhammer Community – there’s nothing more satisfying in a game of Adeptus Titanicus than a Titan delivering a mighty right hook, sending opposing war machines crashing into each other like fusion-powered dominos. 

The Iconoclast is a real favourite – a close-combat goliath that lumbers towards enemy lines, launching batteries of close-range weapons fire in all directions, and clobbering enemy Titans with pugilistic fury.

To further amp up their destructive power, tech-priests often fit Iconoclasts with Kinetic Transducers, which allow them to transfer their inexorable momentum into energy to power colossal, titan-killing haymakers.

ATIconoclast Nov03 Kinetic

With this modification, the iconic Desolator Chainsword can reach Strength 11. The primary weapon of every Iconoclast, this huge rending blade is unerringly accurate, bypassing void shields to focus on specific weak points in the enemy chassis, and cleaving through heavily armoured plates without resistance.

ATIconoclast Nov03 Chainsword

If subtlety isn’t a desirable trait, consider the Krius Pattern Siege Drill. Initially used for excavating bedrock and mountainsides, this ludicrous mining tool has been retrofitted as a fortress-cracker, complete with fusion beams that soften rock, plascrete, and even heavy reinforced Titan-grade armour plates. 

It’s Strength 13 even without a boost from the Kinetic Transducers. 13. That’s easy critical hits for a blow against a Warlord to leave it staggered, while Reavers can be killed outright, and Warhounds utterly obliterated by a single titanic uppercut.

ATIconoclast Nov03 SiegeDrill

Finally, you also have the option of getting weird with the Krius Grav Imploder. This arcane weapon messes with gravity to turn the weight of an enemy Titan against itself. Outside of melee range, this strange weapon has all the keywords – Ordnance, Quake, and Concussive – which convey just how disorientating and unusual this weapon’s impact is.

ATIconoclast Nov03 GravImploder

Whichever way you plan on pummeling other Titans with the Warmaster Iconoclast, you’re going to leave more than a few scratches on their chassis. This behemoth is available from this weekend in certain territories including North America, Oceania, and Japan, and it can be pre-ordered on Saturday in the rest of the world.

Which is your favourite of the three weapons? Let us know over on the Warhammer Community Twitter page, or tell us how you plan on stopping this beast from turning your Titans into piles of twisted metal.

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