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  • Daggok’s Stab-Ladz Headhunt Across the Mortal Realms With Free Rules for Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Daggok’s Stab-Ladz Headhunt Across the Mortal Realms With Free Rules for Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Far beneath the ice-blasted tundra of Bjarl in deepest, darkest Ghur lies a network of rime-coated tunnels known as the Deathgorge, a desolate place filled with treasures and frozen souls, all for the taking by those bold enough to plumb its depths.

Daggok’s Stab-Ladz have journeyed there for a different kind of treasure – know-wotz. Daggok Finksteala has got the notion that he can become the most kunnin’ Killaboss ever to have stalked the Mortal Realms… if he can just claim enough heads and the thoughts they contain. Talk about nominative determinism.

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The Deathgorge is the perfect hunting ground for such cranial trophies, as its many prizes attract warbands like Skabbik’s Plaguepack, verminous masters of treachery and contagions, or the noble knights of Grinkrak’s Looncourt, whose tiny brains swim with shroom-addled notions of chivalry. 

When they aren’t putting their skills to use in the close-fought skirmishes, Daggok’s Stab-Ladz have been known to get swept up in a Waaagh! or two, fighting alongside fully-fledged Killabosses, presumably leering at their necks with hungry eyes. And they’re not half bad at it.

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They’ve clearly already binged on a brainbox or two, as their ability to collect Finkin’ tokens leaves them ripe for receiving additional commands each turn.

You can add the Stab-Ladz to your Orruk Warclans army alongside their other skirmishing associates, the Monsta-killaz, whose rules can be found on the Warhammer Community downloads page

The rules for Daggok’s Stab-Lads are available to download for free, not least to get your opponents nervously tugging at their collars all game long…

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