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  • Here’s How the Hungry Gorger Mawpack Stack Up Against the Wildercorps in Warcry

Here’s How the Hungry Gorger Mawpack Stack Up Against the Wildercorps in Warcry

A series of devastating earthquakes has ravaged the Gnarlwood as something stirs deep below the forest surface. These tremors have dredged up new Seraphon relics and other treasures of indeterminate provenance. From the Cities of Sigmar, the Wildercorps Hunters have been sent to investigate… and maybe bag some artefacts along the way. 

Stalking them from the shadows are a Gorger Mawpack, pallid ogor horrors gripped by an insatiable hunger and a devotion to the Mawpits even now chewing holes through the roots of the forest.

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These two factions couldn’t be further from each other in size and ferocity. Luckily for the humans of the Wildercorps Hunters, Gorger Mawpacks operate in smaller numbers – there’s never enough food to go around, after all – which makes the disparity between their respective profiles easier to swallow.*

In combat, Gorgers use their unnaturally long limbs to gobble down foes. Any snack-sized enemy who attacks a Gorger may end up on the receiving end of a Rending Bite reaction, which can take out a nasty chunk of six damage if the enemy fails to score a critical hit.

WCHunterRulesFocus Oct04 Image4If they can’t cram enough flesh into their bellies, Gorgers may go on a Starving Rampage, a powerful

ability that results in the ogor lashing out at each and every enemy within grabbing distance. While frothing with rage, they become little better than animals, dropping any treasure they hold – even their Clawback leader descends into savagery by gaining the Beast runemark.

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Against these gangly nightmares stand the ordinary men, women, and dogs of the Wildercorps Hunters, armed with little more than well-used weapons and their slippery wits. The Smart Step Backwards reaction allows any fighter to make a bonus disengage action after being allocated damage in close combat – handy for slipping away from their hungry foes to line up a crossbow shot.

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The Wildercorps Hunters do not venture into the Gnarlwood alone – they partner with loyal Trailhounds, the best boys and girls in all of the Mortal Realms, who will do anything for a good skritch behind the ears. 

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With a simple command of Kill! from a Wildercorps Warden, these lovable hounds will gang up on an enemy, dealing three damage for every dog within range of the target.

That’s two dogs to munch on a Moonclan Grot, three to gobble a Ghoul Tracker, four to bite a Blood Whelp to pieces, and 10 to overwhelm an ogor Gorger in one go. Remember, many hounds make light work! 

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And what of the Mawpits? The Gorger Mawpacks worship these ornery orifices as representations of the Gulping God, and the Wildercorps had better steer clear – any large fighter worth their salt can attempt to shove a smaller opponent straight into the grinding gullet. 

WCHunterRulesFocus Oct04 Image10Any fighter that winds up in the Mawpit’s mouth – whether dragged in by a harpoon or knocked off the platform by an ornery Fomoroid – is taken down, no questions asked. What’s more, whenever someone makes a melee attack against an opponent with fewer wounds, they can spend a

to attempt to aggressively persuade their victim to

Get in the Pit.

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Warcry: Hunter and Hunted contains the Gorger Mawpack, the Wildercorps Hunters, and a Mawpit, alongside a softback Warband Tome, 42 battleplan cards, plus fighter and abilities cards. You can pre-order the whole lot this coming Saturday. 

* Not that anyone wants to be “easier to swallow” around a hungry ogor.

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