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Garfy and Dunk Create a Stunning Snapshot of an Incursion Team Descending into Hive Secundus

All of the books, miniatures, and terrain you need to take a brisk trip down into the tenebrous depths of the Malstrain-infested Hive Secundus are available to pre-order tomorrow. This new environment is sure to set people’s creative juices flowing, with a whole new style of ruined hive to explore in the Underhells. 

Prolific miniature painter and creative photographer Garfy was given a bunch of new Necromunda kits to create his own underhive hellscape. He teamed up with his pal Dunk to set about designing a diorama, using all the tricks of the trade to create a piece of miniature art. Here’s how he did it in his own words.

Garfy: The vision I had for this project was epic and required lots of work. I needed reinforcements to make it happen, so I asked my friend Dunk if he would paint half the models and he jumped at the chance. 

Firstly I assembled two boxes of Ruined Zone Mortalis terrain, building it into hive walls. I designed a custom backdrop on the computer and used this terrain to develop the composition of the scene I’d envisaged.

The platforms are cut from foamcore and textured plasticard, and I cut a circle in the ground floor before designing and 3D printing the furnace terrain piece. The ground floor is a Malstrain Hive featuring modelling putty alien walls. I painted the terrain quickly using spray cans and applied thinned Garaghak’s Sewer Contrast paint afterwards to weather it. 

Dunk painted the Spyrer Orrus and Van Saar models. After eagerly building them, he called me to say he was suffering from “analysis paralysis”. His initial planned blue colour scheme for the models would be lost in the established scene and, after some discussion, we decided on red for the Spyrer Orrus, as this would stand out more. The inspiration for the Van Saars’ grey suits came from a conversation about Dunk’s  Space Wolves. 

For my Malstrain Genestealers I looked to evoke eerie alien visuals with sickly yellows. The Brood Scum were then painted in desaturated colours, with subtle hints to their fully-fledged Genestealer cousins.

After a month of building and painting, we were ready! One flash was set up, and the smoke machine was placed under the furnace. Capturing all effects practically in-camera makes the image more convincing and easier to colour correct and edit on the computer for the final image.

Thanks both for your sterling work on this awesome diorama. You can pick up everything you need to follow in their footsteps with this Saturday’s pre-orders. If you create your own Necromunda diorama, either big or small, share it with us on the official Warhammer X/Twitter page.