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  • Building a Better City – How Warhammer World Made a Massive, Modular Table for Legions Imperialis

Building a Better City – How Warhammer World Made a Massive, Modular Table for Legions Imperialis

Games of Legions Imperialis are epic affairs, with Titans, tank squadrons, and entire cohorts of infantry battling it out on enormous battlefields. The impressively modular Civitas Imperialis terrain sets allow for some truly stupendous cityscapes, and the team at Warhammer World have used them to great effect. 

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Once the team had finished this immense task, we caught up with Ben to talk us over the process behind creating such a large and feature-packed battlefield.

Ben: Coming off the back of the Legions Imperialis display for the Warhammer World exhibition, we realised we had to approach the gaming board in a different way. We spoke to the rules writers and came up with a plan that took inspiration from the display – making sure it looked epic and worthy of some really cool action shots, but still entirely playable for regular gamers. 

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We wanted to create an immersive gaming experience by building the structures directly into the Civitas Imperialis city tiles, and the rubble and destruction added to the effect by blurring the lines where the pieces came together. The buildings and tiles are extremely flexible and can be built in loads of different ways, so it was easy to get them looking varied across the table.

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On the subject of destruction, we knew we wanted to add not just destroyed buildings, but also wrecked Titans. These features help to tell environmental stories and form points of interest on the board – even becoming objectives players can fight over. 

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Despite how awesome this board is, we were worried that games on a fixed layout would start to lose that special feeling, so we deliberately left the tiles modular to allow players to set up the table how they want. Bits can be shifted around and rotated to create entirely new firing lines and areas of dense terrain, meaning no two games need to be played the same.  

Finally, when it came to painting, we aimed for a fairly neutral and grounded colour scheme to really allow players’ armies to stand out. As a team we wanted to show hobbyists what they could do by combining a bunch of the Civitas Imperialis kits together, to allow them to do something similar, and we look forward to seeing what the community can create.

Thanks Ben! You can check out the amazing Legions Imperialis diorama at the Warhammer World exhibition, and try your hand at this incredible modular table yourself in our massive gaming hall. If this has inspired you to build your own ruined cityscape, there is an entire range of modular Legions Imperialis terrain available.