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NOVA Open Preview – New Stormcast Eternals Arrive in a Flash of Thunder

The Skaven victory at Hel Crown was consummate – overwhelming swarms of ratmen swarmed the fortress city and raised their tattered banners high. Our reward was a parade of new Skaven miniatures – but what of Sigmar’s chosen?

The Stormcast Eternals never back down from a fight, and new reinforcements are ready to ride bolts of lightning right into the most dangerous parts of the Mortal Realms to drive back the enemies of the God-King.

We saw the seraphic form of Tornus the Redeemed before the fighting started, but he is far from the only new champion of Order…

Iridan the Witness

Iridan the Witness strikes a morbid figure from atop their Morrgryph Ariax, wielding the Axe of the Final Threshold.

Before Reforging, Iridan was an Azyrite Scholar whose memory became eidetic when they were transformed into a Stormcast Eternal. Their ability to recall countless years of military strategy proved a vital asset to Sigmar, but they were forever tormented by intense recollections of horrendous battles.

After a pilgrimage to a shrine of Morrda, Iridan was granted knowledge they have since only shared with Sigmar and Ionus Cryptborn. With this insight, they became the first to grant a comrade suffering from the Curse of Reforging a true death. Iridan is now deployed to any battle where Stormcast Eternals are in danger of losing themselves completely, never once forgetting the face of one they have put to rest. 

Lord Vigilant on Morrgryph

The rulers of the Bleak Citadels are known as Lord-Vigilants. Gaolers and commanders both, they live well beyond the eye of the storm – that moment of stillness before the worst effects of the Reforging Curse set in. They endure in a strangely calm and liminal existence thanks to blessings from the death god Morrda. 

Their hallowed weapons contain a spark of the Bleak Raven’s ceremonial fire and burn so powerfully they can reduce an enemy to ash, with particularly potent effects against those who subvert the cycle of life and death. 


To become a Lord-Celestant is to bear the immense burden of endless war – a tough task even for an immortal warrior. Nevertheless, each has proven themselves a peerless combatant and keen tactician time and time again. 

They command with a practised calm, and when the fighting is at its thickest they are more than willing to wade in. With a wide range of options including heads and weapon choices, the new Lord-Celestant allows you to forge your very own living legend to lead your forces.


Tasked with guarding the souls of their kin upon death, Lord-Relictors are of exceptional importance to each Stormhost. They are clad in a sinister black garb that represents the near-endless cycle of life, death, and resurrection that dominates the existence of every Stormcast Eternal, but despite their morbid mien, they are symbols of hope rather than dread.

They are warrior priests who can invoke Sigmar’s divine wrath, armed with a relic hammer and carrying a skeletal standard. 


The Lord-Terminos made his debut in the Skaventide, resting his hands on a hefty axe and fixing a stern gaze. These unique heroes attend the Ruination Chamber in battle, providing the sweet release of death to those allies who desire a permanent escape from the curse of Reforging. 

Armed with a Blade Terminos – either in the form of an axe or an executioner’s sword – the Lord-Terminos is joined by a Memorian, a mortal follower of Sigmar dedicated to the Bleak Citadels.



When the Ruination Chamber mobilises, the Reclusians form the core of the force – their souls so winnowed away by countless Reforgings that even the most potent magics simply wash over them with little effect. 

This multipart kit brings three indomitable Reclusians to the battlefield, with new poses, heads, plus two Memorians to keep their sense of self anchored in battle.

Stormstrike Palladors

Neither ranging scouts nor pre-emptive shock cavalry, Stormstrike Palladors are instead held in reserve until one killing strike can turn the tide of battle.

When the moment arrives, they act decisively to win the battle. Their heavy barding limits the gale-fast speed of the Vanguard chambers, but it makes them more resilient, so their riders can stay the course in melee. 

Stormreach Portal

The Stormcast Eternals prefer to arrive in battle from the heavens upon blinding bolts of lighting, but some campaigns require a less bombastic approach to reinforcement. Stormreach Portals are prefabricated structures much like the Sigmarite strongpoints, but instead of fortifications, they are magical gateways connected to a complex system of Star Bridges all ultimately connected to the Sigmarabulum – the God-King’s seat of power. 

Reinforcements can reliably march to battle from these gates, and other forces can be quickly recovered and redeployed elsewhere to continue Sigmar’s war to wrest control of the Mortal Realms.

All of these miniatures will have information and rules in the upcoming Battletome: Stormcast Eternals

Just like Battletome: Skaven, there is also a Gamer’s Edition including cards which cover all of your primary Stormcast Eternal rules, alongside warscroll cards. We’re preparing an article on how battletomes have been refreshed for the new edition, so stay tuned for more information.

Alongside from the new releases, there are wider releases for several of the units which first appeared in Skaventide, such as the Liberators and Prosecutors, as well as the Lord-Imperatant and Knight-Arcanum who first appeared in the Dominion box three years ago, alongside the Stormcoven, who were originally part of Warhammer Underworlds: Wyrdhollow.

With the new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar now out, it’s time for a roadmap.

First out of the gates are the Skaven, who will be swiftly followed by the Stormcast Eternals, alongside everything we’ve shown above. Hot on their gleaming heels are another faction of unstoppable armoured warriors, albeit meaner and with spikes on – Battletome: Slaves to Darkness will be the third release.

The Slaves to Darkness will also get a new Spearhead box featuring the Darkoath Tribes – and this will be joined in 2025 by a Spearhead for the Orruk Warclans, and an army box and individual releases for the Gloomspite Gitz. As for the denizens of Death, we’ll have more news on them in good time. Nagash may be petty, but he is patient.

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