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Heavyweight Paintjobs – Four Warmaster Titans Painted by Members of the Studio

We love Titans at Warhammer Community. Warmaster Titans are the best because they’re the biggest, and therefore they make the most noise when stomping around, and they can be painted up as colossal centrepieces for Adeptus Titanicus maniples.

Four tireless Studio members have recently been on a painting tear, each one adding a towering Warmaster Titan to their collections. 

It seems likely that they’re preparing their maniples to fend off the brutal, close-combat giant that is the Warmaster Iconoclast Battle Titan, which will be making its way to battlefields in the imminent future. 

Let’s find out how they set about painting their Warmasters.

Fil Dunn – Specialist Design Studio Forge Lord

Since the original Adeptus Titanicus, Legio Metalica has always been my legio of choice, and that’s not about to change.

I set very strict deadlines for my painting, and I was able to assemble, paint and base the Warmaster in just one day!

My approach is simple – basecoat everything with metallics, wash everything, then pick out the armour panels in red, building up colour in the centre of the plates rather than highlighting the edges. 

I spend the most time on parts that catch the eye, such as the hazard stripes and weathering. As long as everything is neat and tidy, the result is pretty effective!

Martyn Cashmore – Specialist Design Studio Tech-Priest

From a young age, I’ve always liked massive, stompy robots. Adeptus Titanicus has allowed me to fully embrace the craving I have for these fantastic war machines, and a Warmaster Titan fits the bill of being a leader for my many Legio. 

I chose Legio Magna because I wanted to test my colour blending* on large plates. I started with yellow and slowly worked down to red. 

The underbody was sprayed using Leadbelcher,  washed with thinned down 

Black Templar Contrast paint, then highlighted with Canoptek Alloy and Runefang Steel

I  loved putting this project together so much that I now have another three Warmasters.

James Karch – Warhammer World Studio Archmagos

I played the original version of Adeptus Titanicus and loved the mottled grey scheme of Legio Gryphonicus, but wasn't capable of recreating the effect myself back then. I wanted to see if I could achieve something similar now that my painting skills have improved. 

I started by spraying the armour plates Mechanicus Standard Grey, then I watered down Administratum Grey and applied it using a sponge. I followed with more sponged-on Administratum Grey, this time not watered down. I was really pleased with the result – I think it is a nice, modern take on the original scheme.

Owen Patten – Specialist Studio Enginseer

I have recently completed a large Legio Praesagius (True Messengers) force, so the Warmaster was a perfect centrepiece. 

I even used a crashed Aeronautica Imperialis Imperial Navy Avenger Strike Fighter as basing debris, adding to the narrative of the larger combined arms battle going on around the Titans.

To make the panels easier, I painted the model in subassemblies. I split them into two groups – white and blue – and painted them along with the trim using the same scheme I shared in White Dwarf 463.**

AT StudioWarmasters Sep21 Image8

To make custom heraldry, I really enjoy searching through my collection of transfers in a similar process to converting. With some cutting and re-painting, I turned a Legio Gryphonicus transfer into a Legio Praesagius one. 

I am pretty pleased with how the model turned out, and I already have my eye on the upcoming Warmaster Iconoclast Heavy Battle Titan.

Warhammer Community: A titanic thank you to all of our painters, truly incredible stuff all around. These are some stellar models, but we’re equal opportunity Titan fans – we love Warhounds, Warlords, and Reaver Titans  all the same.

Share your own Warmasters with us over on Twitter, and any other Titan you feel like showing us. We just can’t get enough!

* If you’re curious about blending, there’s a fantastic episode of Citadel Colour Masterclass on just that subject, available on Warhammer+ right now.

** You can find this issue of White Dwarf, complete with this painting guide, in the Warhammer Vault, available as part of Warhammer+

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