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Ruin the Realms with Mighty Custom Heroes Forged upon the Anvil of Apotheosis Rules

There are more Skaven in existence than anyone could count in a thousand lifetimes, and more are born every minute. While most meet a quick death, every so often one of these blighted ratmen becomes something more impressive – a Master Moulder, perhaps, an Arch-Warlock, or even a Grey Seer.

With the new, much expanded Anvil of Apotheosis section in Battletome: Skaven, you can guide the twitching claw of destiny and spawn your own vile champion to command your armies on the Path to Glory.

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The process is simple but effective – and there will be similar systems in all forthcoming Battletomes. There are three hero levels to choose from, each worth a base points cost, and each with a pool of Destiny Points to spend on improvements. 

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Next you must decide which of the Great Clans to join. For the cost of four Destiny Points, you get a unique ability and a list of units who can join your regiment. They could be an aspiring Clawlord of the Clans Verminus, rallying their Clanrats with a cry of Back-back to the Fray, Minions! or perhaps they are a member of the phlegmatic clergy of the Clans Pestilens, spreading their plagues as a Festering Chanter.

Despite what city-dwellers will have you believe, every Skaven has an origin. Some are born with all the confidence of a Natural Swarm-Chief, while others are Blessed (or Just Lucky)

You can claw back some Destiny Points by giving your hero a flaw – all the best ones have them, just ask Krittok Foulblade.* Perhaps one close shave too many has left them Suitably Paranoid, or maybe they prefer to bravely ‘Lead’ From the Back.

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There are mounts available, such as the gangly Gnaw-beast which changes the base statistics of your hero. These can be shaped into more unique forms by the Master Moulders – such as Best-Best Warpstone Spikes, which provide enhanced spell resistance.

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Go bigger with a Monstrous Horror, or perhaps a custom Siege-engine Chassis from the Clans Skyre – there really are many options. 

Your Destiny Points really do go a long way, and there are many paths to take. Warhammer’s very own Chieftain, the paranoid Skruff Twitch-tail, has years spent literally fighting for his life. As a result, he is a rabid combatant, which we represented with Frenetic Assault for extra attacks, Impaler for Charge (+1 Damage), and rounded out with Bloated for an extra wound – probably from all that extra armour wrapped around his back.

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With all that done, you just need to choose a miniature mini to represent your hero on the tabletop. There are plenty of off-the-shelf options available, but the Anvil of Apotheosis is a rich source of inspiration for those who love to kitbash.

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All that’s left to do is choose a path. There are four to pick from in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Core Book, while Battletome: Skaven contains a separate Path of the Master exclusively for Skaven heroes. 

Pre-order your new battletome on Saturday and get to work crafting the best-best hero in all Skavendom.

* Do not listen to his lies.

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