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  • Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game – Designers Reveal What To Expect from the Rise of Angmar™

Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game – Designers Reveal What To Expect from the Rise of Angmar™

It’s a great time to be a fan of the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game right now, with the announcement of a new edition of the game in the pipeline, and the new Rise of Angmar supplement almost upon us. We took the chance to catch up with Jay, the Lead Games Developer behind the rules and background, to find out what went into this latest supplement and how it will impact your games. 

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Warhammer Community: So, how did Rise of Angmar come about?

Jay: As with all Middle-earth supplements, we are constantly looking for new events to cover, factions to focus on and characters to bring to life on the tabletop. The history surrounding Arnor and Angmar is fascinating; the kingdom splits into three smaller realms, Arthedain, Cardolan and Rhudaur, before the Witch-king comes to Angmar. The Lord of the Nazgûl uses his dark powers and grand armies to erode the great kingdom of Arnor over the centuries – eventually leading to Arnor’s tragic fall. It’s a story that happens long before the events of the films, and we wanted to take the opportunity to bring it fully to the tabletop for the first time, in all its glory.

WarCom: What sort of events are covered within this supplement?

Jay: The conflict between Arnor and Angmar spans over 500 years, so there was a lot to cover! From the Witch-king founding the kingdom of Angmar, the fall of Cardolan and Rhudaur, the Great Plague that ravaged Middle-earth, and all the way up to the Battle of Fornost and the Witch-king’s defeat. We also explore the likes of the fall of Amon Sûl, the last sighting of Eärnur as he rides to Minas Morgul to duel with the Witch-king, and there is even an appendix covering the Chieftains of the Dúnedain at the tail end of the Third Age.

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There is also a linked campaign in the supplement, so that players can fight through the whole story and determine the fate of Arnor through their games.

WarCom: Sounds like there are plenty of Narrative Scenarios in this supplement! Do you have any particular favourites?

Jay: I have quite a few I am very fond of – Fall of Amon Sûl, The Great Plague, and Flight to the North immediately spring to mind. If I had to pick just one though, it would have to be The Battle of Fornost. Men, Elves, and even a handful of Hobbits all do battle against a veritable horde of Orcs, spirits, and evil Men in a bid to avenge Arnor’s fall. It’s such an epic battle with loads of models on each side, and it looks super impressive on the tabletop. We had loads of fun playtesting this scenario, with some absolutely nail-biting conclusions. 

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WarCom: Of all the new Profiles, which would you say is your favourite?

Jay: That’s a tough one, as there are so many I like, but I have to go for Nazthák! The Orc Captain who can steal wargear is just so much fun, and with all the items he can pilfer he has so much potential – so long as he can kill the model carrying them in close combat, of course! He highlights the very best aspect of the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game – telling stories through your games. Players will always remember ‘that time when Nazthák took Andúril off Aragorn’ or ‘when Nazthák got hold of the Arkenstone and survived the whole game’. Creating memorable moments and telling them around the table after a day’s gaming is what brings wargamers together, and Nazthák exemplifies that aspect better than anyone else. 

WarCom: Do you have a favourite of the new Legendary Legions?

Jay: As much as I love the Wolf Pack of Angmar and being able to let out a terrifying howl to boost your Wargs’ effectiveness, my personal favourite is the Battle of Fornost Legendary Legion. 

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Being able to combine Warriors from Rivendell and Minas Tirith is something no other Legendary Legion allows you to do, and with powerful Heroes such as Glorfindel and Eärnur it makes for a potent fighting force. It also has some wonderfully thematic special rules to evoke the battle itself, with Eärnur never able to have his Courage modified by enemy special rules or Magical Powers, and the Gondor cavalry charge being particularly effective. 

All the Legendary Legions in this supplement are great fun, and I can’t wait to see how people use them in their own games. 

WarCom: What are you most proud of in Rise of Angmar?

Jay: In all honesty, I think it’s the narrative theme of the rules. This supplement gave us the opportunity to really delve into events we’ve never covered before, and that gave a new scope for us to work with. This allowed us to create some incredibly flavourful rules for Narrative Scenarios, Profiles and Legendary Legions, and I think they stand as some of the most exciting we’ve had in Middle-earth so far!

Thanks, Jay! Rise of Angmar is available to pre-order on Saturday, alongside a selection of new miniatures, including courageous Eärnur, the Last King of Gondor, the sticky-fingered Nazthák, a pair of nasty Angmar Werewolves, and more besides. Muster your very own force and campaign to defend or destroy Arnor! 

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