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Saturday Pre-orders – Mechanicum Reinforcements and a Trip to Tallarn

Tank squadrons for Legions Imperials are rolling out on Tallarn, while plastic reinforcements for the armies of the Omnissiah in Warhammer: The Horus Heresy are inbound this week, along with a complement of vintage Dwarf miniatures available on a Made to Order basis. 

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Mechanicum Battle Group

PreOrders Aug3 THH 01 MechanicumBox

All praise to the Omnissiah, for the Mechanicum Battle Group is here, packing in 29 brand-new plastic miniatures to spread the good word of the Machine God. This box contains the first wave of Martian soldiery, starting off with twenty Adsecularis Tech-thralls, expendable cyber-serfs armed with las-locks. These fit neatly inside the Triaros Conveyor, an impressively-sized transport armed with volkite calivers, a bolt cannon, and a crackling shock ram. Joining them are a cohort of six Thallax, heavy cyborgs that act as shock troops for the Ordo Reductor. They’re supported by two imposing Castellax Battle-automata, which soften up enemies with salvos from their shoulder-mounted heavy weapons before laying in with shock chargers or power blades. 

Also included in the box is a Mechanicum Macro-constructs transfer sheet with 394 decals, and two Mechanicum Construct sheets with 558 decals each. Rules for all these units can be found in the Liber Mechanicum – Forces of the Omnissiah Army Book.*

Knights Battle Group: Castigator and Acheron

PreOrders Aug3 THH 02 Knights

The Knights Battle Group is a quick and easy way to add twin towering terrors to any Warhammer: The Horus Heresy army. These plastic Cerastus-class Knights provide two distinct loadouts – the Castigator is armed with a heavy-duty bolt cannon and a tempest warblade, while the Acheron comes with a deadly flamestorm cannon and a reaper chainfist. This box also contains two different Cerastus Knight transfer sheets featuring numerous household icons and other decals suited to the Age of Darkness, one with 234 transfers and one with 214.*

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Legions Imperialis – The Devastation of Tallarn

PreOrders Aug3 LI 01 DevTallarn

Many worlds were brought to ruin during the Horus Heresy, but Tallarn remains emblematic of the cost of this galactic civil war. Legions Imperialis – The Devastation of Tallarn documents the Iron Warrior’s campaign on this planet, which saw it transformed from a verdant agri world into a war-blasted desert. This expansion book also features new campaigns, Battle Honours, Veteran Detachments, Formations of Legend, and fresh Formations and Detachments for your Legiones Astartes and Solar Auxilia armies. It is also available in an ePub format.*

Legions Imperialis: The Devastation of Tallarn Cards

PreOrders Aug3 LI 02 DevTallarnCards

The Devastation of Tallarn Cards set contains 24 rules reference cards which cover the new Detachments and Formations in the corresponding supplement. It also comes with three Legiones Astartes Vehicle Commander Cards, which cover the commander profiles and their special rules.*

Shadowswords, Stormblades, and Stormswords

PreOrders Aug3 LI 03 Shadowswords

Dominate the battlefield with two super-heavy tanks for the Solar Auxilia. The Shadowswords, Stormblades, and Stormswords are among the most formidable tanks fielded during the Horus Heresy, each armed with an almighty turret weapon specialised in destroying specific targets, while their sponson mounted heavy bolters and lascannons defend them from incoming close assaults. This box builds two tanks from any of these three variants, and comes with a Solar Auxilia Vehicle transfer sheet comprising 288 decals.*

Leman Russ Executioner and Demolisher Squadron

PreOrders Aug3 LI 04 Demolishers

The Leman Russ Executioner and Demolisher Squadron box provides even more ways to add the iconic Leman Russ to your Solar Auxilia armies. This box builds eight tanks, each of which can be assembled as a Leman Russ Executioner or Leman Russ Demolisher. Each tank also has a choice of hull-mounted heavy bolter or lascannon, and you get a Solar Auxilia Vehicle transfer sheet comprising 288 decals too.*

Sicaran Arcus and Punisher Squadron

PreOrders Aug3 LI 05 SicaranPunisher

Originally developed by the Primarchs Roboute Guilliman and Ferrus Manus, the Sicaran is one of the Legiones Astartes’ most advanced tanks, and new Sicaran configurations bring even more flexibility to this formidable chassis. This box builds four Sicaran tanks, each of which can be assembled in either configuration – the Sicaran Arcus is armed with a missile launcher, while Sicaran Punishers mount a rapid-firing rotary cannon. Either variant can also be equipped with sponson-mounted lascannons or heavy bolters, and the box comes with a Legiones Astartes Vehicle transfer sheet with 1,130 decals.*

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Prince Ulther’s Dragon Company

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Prince Ulther’s Dragon Company arrives as a Made to Order product from the mists of time (or, more accurately, 1985). Given the great duty of recovering his ancestral home by his father King Ulfar Stonehammer, Prince Ulther took a bedpost carved into the image of a dragon as his battle standard and formed his legendary company. There are two sets available: Prince Ulther’s Dragon Company Warriors with five metal miniatures holding plastic shields, and Prince Ulther’s Dragon Company Command: four metal miniatures, including the Prince himself, with plastic shields. Both sets can be ordered right now, until 8am BST on Monday the 12th of August. They may take up to 180 days to ship.

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White Dwarf 503

PreOrders Aug3 Misc 01 WD503The Leagues of Votann receive a special treatment this month, covering their history and unique technology, alongside full Crusade rules. In Warhammer Age of Sigmar, the Astral Templars Stormhost get the spotlight, and receive Legends rules for the new edition – an Army of Renown and a warscroll for their garrulous hero Hamilcar Bear-Eater. There is also a huge, 10,000-point Tale of Four Warlords battle, a tactical assessment on how to use Manifestations, and lots more.*

* This product has been delayed in Japan.