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  • These Iconoclast Warbringer Titans are so Beautiful You Might Even Forget to Run Away

These Iconoclast Warbringer Titans are so Beautiful You Might Even Forget to Run Away

This Saturday sees the Traitor Legios join Adeptus Titanicus, and one of the most terrifying war machines at their disposal is the Warmaster Iconoclast Titan.* As a specialised close combat version of the Warmaster chassis, it’s especially popular with Chaos-aligned forces and is a frightening opponent for other Titans of all sizes. 

Five expert painters have been busy getting their own Iconoclasts ready for battle.

Annie Doughty

The Warmaster Iconoclast Titan is the largest model Annie has ever painted, and she’s made full use of the canvas by painting a classic Legio Mortis red-and-black colour scheme with a brassy trim, giving the Iconoclast a dark and brooding appearance that suits its massive frame.

Their dark colours contrast wonderfully with the bright glow of the Titan’s plasma weapons and eyes, which shine out from beneath its mask. The worn and oily metal speaks of a machine that has seen countless battles, with little maintenance in between.

Emma Durant

Emma Durant’s Warmaster dazzles with a bright and intricate marbled pattern across its legs and torso, showing just how good the Titan can look with a smooth and colourful scheme.

This take on the Titan is spotlessly clean and bedecked with intricate script, which the Princeps clearly takes good care of. This doesn’t make it any less of a killing machine, and the splash of crimson at the chainsword’s tip is a grim reminder of its true purpose.

Máryse Ouellet

Fresh from painting a bright and eye-popping Beastboss on Squigosaur, Máryse has given their Iconoclast vibrant red and gold armour plates reminiscent of the Titans of Legio Honorum.

The hazard stripes are an excellent way of letting smaller Titans know to stay well away, although the sheer size of the Iconoclast means it’s a brave soul who hangs around underfoot to begin with.

Rhu James

Rhu truly embraced Chaos when building his Warmaster Iconoclast Titan, which has undergone extensive conversion into a truly monstrous creation. Its carapace is covered in spikes, blades, and whatever that is growing out of its arm. Its name? Night of One Billion Teeth. Delightful.

Beneath all of the flesh and grime, this Titan is painted in the livery of Legio Vulturum, which shows through in patches where dank corruption hasn’t fully taken over. Check out that creepy goat’s eye in its knee. Aaaaaand that’s enough Chaos for one sitting.

Richard Gray

Lastly, Richard Gray’s Titan joins the ranks of the bright and colourful Warmasters with a deep-blue paint job accented by a bright-yellow face mask. Unlike its peers, however, this Titan is weathered and worn by constant service, with streaks of oil and damaged paint beautifully applied all over.

The flames around its feet and brow give the Titan a lot of personality, and the decals all over its armour mark it out as a member of the Loyalist Legio Astorum.

The Warmaster Iconoclast Titan is available to pre-order right now in some parts of the world, and will be lumbering its way into pre-order everywhere else this Saturday. While you wait for it, if you’re looking to take your first thundering steps into the world of Adeptus Titanicus there’s no better place to start than the Horus Heresy Core Set. With enough models to start your own Maniple and all the rules and accessories you need to start playing, it’s the perfect way to learn the basics of Titan-on-Titan combat and see the world of The Horus Heresy from a new perspective.

* Devotees of the Emperor need not worry – Loyalist Legios can use it too.

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