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  • Run Rings Around Towering God-Engines in Adeptus Titanicus With These Cute But Scrappy Knights

Run Rings Around Towering God-Engines in Adeptus Titanicus With These Cute But Scrappy Knights

Following the thunderous stomping of the Warmaster Iconoclast Heavy Battle Titan comes the pitter-patter of relatively tiny feet, as gaggles of petite Armiger Knights and Mechanicum Knight Moirax banners arrive on the battlefields of Adeptus Titanicus.

Look at how wee they are! We’re reluctant to label any towering construct bristling with implements of war and death cute, but if we could call anything in Adeptus Titanicus adorable, it’d be these bipedal babies.

Despite their diminutive stature, these resin Forge World Knights are packed with crisp detail, just like their larger siblings. The Armigers (pictured above) come in two flavours, close-range Warglaives and dual-autocannon Helverins, and each kit lets you build two of the former and one of the latter.

Similarly, the Knights Moirax come with two Knights dual-wielding lightning locks, and one with a mighty volkite veuglaire and gyges siege claw.* 

With a movement value of 11”, they’re just a hair slower than the lanky Knight Cerastus. These tiny war dogs may be fragile, but they’re flexible and able to strike at the soft spots in your foe’s lines.

They can also navigate difficult and dangerous terrain with no penalties thanks to the Agile rule, meaning you can strike from almost anywhere without warning. 

ATMiniReveal Nov15 ArmigerARt

Should they get obliterated by a Warlord or Warmaster Titan, fear not. The trusted retainers who pilot these knights are largely expendable, and what better way to waste your opponent’s valuable shells than with these miniature mayhem-makers?**

Stick with Warhammer Community as we keep a weather eye on the horizon for when these Forge World kits are heading to pre-order. In the meantime, why not buff up your Banners with some of the many other weird and wonderful varieties of Mechanicum Knights?

* Try saying that loadout three times quickly.

** Just think how long it takes to bless each individual shell and bathe in the knowledge of precious time well wasted.

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